Semifinals of Doubles Competition in Boccia Are Set

In the BC4 category, Colombia will face Brazil, and Canada will compete against Mexico. Meanwhile, in BC3, the matchups will be between Colombia and Argentina, and Brazil and Peru.

Friday, November 24th, 2023.- On Friday afternoon, the group stage of the boccia double competition at Santiago 2023 came to an end, determining the semifinalists who will compete for medals on Saturday.

The pairs contending for a spot in the final are Colombia with Brazil and Canada with Mexico in the BC4 class. In BC3, the matchups are between Colombia and Argentina and Peru with Brazil.

It's worth noting that in the BC3 category, athletes with significant limitations in arm and leg functions and poor or no trunk control compete. They are unable to consistently grasp or release the ball and cannot consistently propel the ball on the field, being allowed to use a ramp with the assistance of a sports assistant.

In BC4, athletes with non-cerebral impairments affecting their coordination participate.

In the last group stage matches, in BC3, Colombia defeated Brazil 5-1, Canada won 6-2 against Guatemala, and Peru secured a 9-0 victory over Argentina. In BC4, Brazil defeated Canada 4-1, and Colombia won 10-0 against Mexico.

Niurka Callupe and Dean Acosta form the undefeated Peruvian pair in BC3. Callupe mentioned, "When we join forces with Dean, we are dynamite, so we are going all out for the medals. It has been a great competition, and we hope to finish in the best way."

In BC3, second in Group B were the Argentinians Rodrigo Romero and Stefania Ferrando, who, despite the 9-0 defeat against the Peruvians, still advanced to the semifinals.

"We are left with a bit of a bitter taste because things didn't go as we wanted, but we have to lift our heads and think about the match with Colombia," said Romero.

Lastly, in the BC1/BC2 team category, Canada will face Chile, and Argentina will play against Brazil. BC1 boccia players have severe activity limitations affecting their legs, arms, and trunk and are usually users of electric wheelchairs.

Meanwhile, BC2 players have better trunk and arm function than those in the BC1 class. The capabilities of their arms and hands often allow them to throw the ball over and under the head and with a variety of grips.

Written by Rodrigo Parragué y Alejandro Pérez; translated by Paulette Bertín / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Photo by Javier Vergara / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport

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