Sports might as well be the most powerful of our superheroes. It has the ability to change the world, the lives of people and historically it has played a crucial role in all societies and eras of human development. From 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) organization celebrate on April 6th physical activity, with the aim to promote the benefits that the practice of any sport activity brings along, whether it be competitive or recreational.
A way to celebrate and participate in the International Sports Day for the Development and Peace, is to remain active, healthy, and supportive in these hard times of social and physical distancing. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to get together with friends and teams to compete, play and cheer each other up. It has dug deep in the isolation of people, societies, organizations, and economies. Chile is going through its worst time, with the highest number of infections and confined to a total quarantine in the Metropolitan Region for the second time in one year.
The measures taken to contain the pandemic have affected each aspect of our lives, including sports practice, which has been reduced to only a small morning 2-hour schedule. But sports in itself can contribute to overcome and recover from this pandemic. Only a square meter is needed to be able to perform some kind of exercise, yoga, stretching, jumping in place, abs and any other exercise that does not require movement. It can also help us to overcome this COVID-19 crisis time reducing anxiety and improving mental and physical health.
When now more than ever in our contemporary history, we are forced to act as a team to overcome a world crisis that affects everyone equally, sports can be a great ally. Our spearhead so that, in a first line from individual actions, we can put a barrier to Covid and other diseases that arise from sedentarism that may finally become our worst enemies.
Our first home is our body. And its foundation must be kept at all times strong so it can accompany us in the best possible way in our daily tasks. Sport, in that sense, may and must be our best ally if we give it the time and dedication it requires. Let’s celebrate together the International Sports and Peace Day!