Mexican Randal Willars Amazes with a World-Class Dive in the Qualifications

The twelve-time Pan American gold medalist executed a highly complex dive to lead the qualification round this morning at Santiago 2023.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023.- The excellence of Mexican divers is beyond dispute. That's why their participation was the most anticipated event in the morning session on the 10m platform at the Centro Acuático at the Estadio Nacional, on the final day of one of Mexico's most representative sports. It was the sixth day of competition at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games.

The competition quickly centered around Randal Willars and Kenny Zamudio. But just when the twelve-time Pan American champion seemed defeated by his compatriot, he pulled a surprise out of his sleeve. A forward dive with four and a half somersaults, with a difficulty of 4.1 (the highest of the day), which had earned him the silver medal at the last World Championship in Fukuoka, with the highest-rated dive (104.55).

Although this time the execution earned him 86.1 points, it was enough for the Mexican to take the top position in the qualifications ahead of Zamudio and the Canadian Nathan Zsombor-Murray. Above all, it raised the promise of another stellar performance tonight in the medal final.

Canadian Joy

Although he started at the top of the standings, Canadian Nathan Zsombor-Murray yielded to the strength of the Mexicans and closed the preliminary podium. However, his expectations remain high. "This is just a warm-up for the final; I feel the judges saw what I'm capable of, but I haven't shown everything I have," he said, fifth in the synchronized event in Tokyo 2020.

"My goal should be to win in the final, but really, it's about giving my best, not holding back. If that earns me a medal, I'll be happy," he expressed.

Written by Rodrigo Gómez and Nicolás Olea; translated by Vicente Valdivia | Photosport
Photo: Daniel Apuy / Santiago 2023 via Photosport

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