Handball, track cycling, and surfing debut on Tuesday

Cycling will also be one of the 11 disciplines awarding medals on the seventh day of competition at Santiago 2023. Climbing, water skiing, weightlifting, and taekwondo will conclude their participation.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023.- The schedule for Tuesday, October 24th, will mark the debut of three disciplines at the Pan American Games Santiago 2023, while four others will bid farewell to the competition.

The sports making their debut are surfing, at Punta de Lobos Beach, Pichilemu (168 kilometers from Santiago); track cycling, at the Velódromo de Peñalolén and handball, at the Polideportivo de Viña del Mar (120 kilometers from the Chilean capital).

Of these sports, cycling will immediately award medals in male's sprint team and omnium.

The disciplines that will present their final medals and bid farewell to Santiago 2023 on this Tuesday are climbing, weightlifting, water skiing, and taekwondo.

Medals will also be awarded in diving, artistic gymnastics, swimming, racquetball, and shooting on this day.

Finally, action will continue, but without medals, in badminton, baseball, boxing, tennis, volleyball, and beach volleyball.

Nota: Alejandro Pérez; Javiera Guinard* /  Santiago 2023 via Photosport
Photo: Andres Pina / Santiago 2023 via Photosport

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