Para Powerlifting: Colombian Fabio Torres Wins Gold in -97kg

Born in La Tola, Fabio Torres triumphed this afternoon at the Gimnasio Chimkowe at Peñalolén, where competitions of this sport are taking place as part of the Santiago 2023 Parapan American Games.

Sunday, November 19th, 2023.- Colombian Fabio Torres secured the gold medal on Sunday in the -97kg category of Para Powerlifting, sealing a result of 215 (205, 208, and 215). This way, the bronze medalist in Tokyo 2020 confirmed his favoritism. 

In the Gimnasio Chimkowe in Peñalolén, Colombia's representative emerged as the best, relegating Brazilian José Silva Lima to second place, who claimed the silver medal with 200 (200, null, and null). The bronze medal went to Mexican Juan Ramírez Miramontes with 158 (152, 153, and 158). 

Earlier, Colombian Bertha Fernández secured the gold medal in the -67kg category, and Brazilian Bruno Carra prevailed in the -54kg category. 

It is worth noting that Para Powerlifting is open to athletes with one or more of the eight possible impairments: muscle power loss, range of motion loss, limb deficiency, leg length difference, short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, or athetosis. 

During competition, athletes lie on their backs on a specially designed bench. After taking or receiving the bar with extended arms, the lifter waits for the referee's signal with closed elbows and the bar under control to proceed with the lift. 

Written by Marcelo González; translated by Felipe Vergara / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Ph: Pablo Bigorra / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport