Chilean Female's Goalball Team Achieves Hard-Fought Victory over Peru

Para Team Chile made a winning debut in Group D of goalball, thanks to the effectiveness of Jimena Balboa, their top scorer.

Sunday, November 19th, 2023.- In an intense match, the Chilean female's goalball team defeated their Peruvian counterparts 4-2 in a Group D clash held at the Paralympic Sports Center in the National Stadium Sports Park.

Of all the matches played on Sunday, the Chile-Peru encounter stood out in terms of excitement.

With a good number of spectators in the stands, the home team opened the scoring through Jimena Balboa, who ultimately became the standout player of the match.

Peru responded twice to the deficit on the scoreboard until finally, with 6 minutes remaining, Balboa tilted the balance in favor of Chile with a 3-2 lead and then added a fourth goal to seal the victory, finishing as the top scorer of the match with 4 goals.

In their next match, Team Para Chile will face the United States at 5:45 p.m. at the Centro de Deportes Paralímpicos.

Written by José Tomás Lambert; translated by Felipe Vergara / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Photo by Christian Zapata / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport