BMX Freestyle Female: The USA Takes Gold and Chile Wins Silver

American athlete Hannah Roberts confirmed her status as the favorite and prevailed in the final at the Estadio Nacional's track. Chilean Macarena Pérez earned a commendable second place, while the bronze medal went to Venezuelan Katherine Díaz.

Sunday, November 5th, 2023.- American athlete Hannah Roberts, a silver medalist at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and a multiple-time world champion, confirmed her favoritism and secured the gold medal in the BMX Freestyle Female's competition, which took place at the Estadio Nacional's track.

The silver medal was awarded to Chilean rider Macarena Pérez, who, despite falling and finishing fourth and last in the qualifiers, managed to earn second place in the final. The bronze medal went to Venezuelan rider Katherine Díaz.

There were eight athletes who participated in the skills competition on the ramps of the track, and four of them advanced to the medal round.

Unlike the qualifiers, where the scores from both rounds of the athletes were averaged, in the final, only the best performance was taken into account. Roberts practically secured her victory in the first run, scoring 81.67 points.

The local rider Pérez also achieved her best score in her first run (72.33) and couldn't be surpassed by the Venezuelan Díaz (69) or the Argentinian Aanalía Zacarías (62). Zacarías had qualified for the final in the second position but missed out on the podium.

Written by María Fernanda Pavez y Alejandro Pérez; translated by Pía Barriga / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Photo by Mauricio Ulloa / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport