A new medal is on the way: Chilean semifinal in male's -67kg karate

Tomás Freire and Camilo Velozo have advanced beyond the group stage to compete for medals in the male's -67kg karate kumite at Santiago 2023. This means Team Chile will add at least one silver medal to their tally.

Sunday, November 5th, 2023.- Chilean karate continues to make headlines at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, especially after the local delegation secured a silver medal in the male's -67kg category on Sunday, following three gold medals in recent days. 

This achievement is thanks to Tomás Freire and Camilo Velozo, who will face off in the semifinals of the -67kg male's category after advancing from the group stage. This guarantees another medal for this historic participation of Team Chile. 

Freire topped Group A after stumbling in his debut against Mexican Daniel Esparza but then defeating Venezuelan Andrés Madera and Brazilian Vinicius Rezende. Meanwhile, Velozo finished second in Group B, beating Argentinian Gonzalo Navarro, losing to Panamanian Alberto Galvéz, defeating Ecuadorian Fred Proaño, and finishing with a victory over Colombian José Ramírez. 

As a result, both Chilean athletes will compete for a shot at the gold medal, starting at 12:45 p.m. at the Centro de Deportes de Contacto. On the other side of the bracket, at the same time, Venezuelan Madera and Panamanian Galvéz will face each other. 

It's worth mentioning that Chile is the dominant force in karate at Santiago 2023, leading the medal table for the discipline with three gold medals. The United States is second with two golds and one bronze. 

Written by Patricio Echagüe; translated by Vicente Valdivia / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Ph: Felipe Poga / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport