Gold went to the United States in team trampoline gymnastics

The duo composed of Jessica Stevens and Nicole Ahsinger accumulated 48.190 points, securing the gold medal and surpassing Brazil and Mexico on the podium.

Saturday, November 4th, 2023.- The United States team, composed of Jessica Stevens and Nicole Ahsinger, secured the gold medal in synchronized trampoline gymnastics at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games.

The American pair amassed a total of 48.190 points, clinching the gold and outperforming Brazil and Mexico on the podium. Brazil, represented by Alice Gomes and Camila Lopes, earned silver with a total of 46.140 points, while Mexico, composed of Dafne Navarro and Mariola García, gathered 45.770 points to claim the bronze.

"It's wonderful to be here at the Pan American Games and achieve this victory. We are very happy to have won this medal; we worked hard for it," Jessica Stevens commented after winning the gold.

Brazil's Camila Gomes mentioned, "We are happy because we ended a 12-year streak of not winning medals in Pan American trampoline. We hope to continue achieving goals in the future."

"It was very challenging; we had to train outside the country. Yesterday it looked complicated to win a medal, but today we improved significantly and we did it. It's an immense joy to leave with the bronze," said the Mexican Mariola García.

The individual trampoline finals will take place during the afternoon of this Saturday, starting at 5:00 p.m., at the Centro de Deportes Colectivos del Estadio Nacional.

Written by Camila Silva and Christian Salgado / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Photo by Jorge Loyola / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport