Enrique Villalón wins the ninth gold medal for Chile in karate -60 kg

Chilean Enrique Villalón won a hard-fought battle against Cuban Brayan Díaz.

Friday, November 3rd, 2023.- Chile secured its ninth gold medal at Santiago 2023 with a victory in the -60kg karate category, thanks to Enrique Villalón's triumph over the Cuban Brayan Díaz.

The Chilean reached the final after lodging a complaint following his initial loss to Colombian Juan Fernández in the semifinals, which the judges ruled in his favor. In the rematch, the Chilean prevailed with a score of 7-0.

The battle for the gold medal was highly contested, with both fighters going point for point until the final seconds, when Villalón scored his sixth yuko, securing the victory with a score of 6-5.

The bronze in the -60kg male's category went to the Colombian Fernández.

Meanwhile, in the +68kg female's category, Mexican Guadalupe Quintal claimed the gold medal by defeating Lorena Echever 2-1.

Written by Pedro Marín Roldán; translated by Felipe Vergara / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Photo by Sebastián Miranda