The United States goes for two golds in compound archery

The North American delegation placed their male and female teams in the finals. In addition, Colombian Sara López set a Pan-American record.

Wednesday, November 1st.- Once again, the United States is leading in a Pan-American sport, as they are now competing for their first gold medals in compound archery.

In the male's category, the North American giant entered the battle for the gold medal after narrowly defeating Mexico 158-157 at the Centro de Tiro con Arco in Peñalolén.

The Americans will compete for gold against the Salvadoran team, which defeated Colombia with 158 points against 155.

In the female's category, the United States, on the other hand, overcame Mexico 156-151 and will contend for the top spot against the Colombian team, which defeated the Salvadoran team with scores of 155 and 151.

During the day, Colombian Sara López achieved a Pan-American record by scoring 710 points. Regarding this achievement, she commented, "I am very happy with this record. I think it could have been more, but I felt very good and comfortable, despite the cold."

The team finals in archery will take place this Saturday in Peñalolén.

Written by Carlos Silva Rojas - Arturo Hernández; translated by Rocio Rojas / Photosport
Photo by Jorge Loyola/Santiago 2023 / Photosport