Mexico Sets a Strong Record in Pan American Recurve Archery

Aída Román, Ángel Ruiz, Alejandra Valencia, and Valentina Vázquez led the female's team qualification round, surpassing the record set at Lima 2019 by one point.

Wednesday, November 1st.- Mexico made a strong start in the archery competition at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. At the Centro de Tiro con Arco in Peñalolén, located in the foothills of the Chilean capital, the Mexican team took the lead in the ranking round by surpassing the Pan American record previously established by the same team at Lima 2019. 

Aída Román, Ángel Ruiz, Alejandra Valencia, and Valentina Vázquez began their competition with 674 points in the first round and 1,339 in the second round, resulting in a total score of 1,972 points. This total surpasses the previous Pan American record by one point, which was achieved in the last edition of the Pan American Games. 

Their partial score included 82 hits in the 10-ring and 27 X-rings, allowing the Aztecs team to outperform the United States (1,948 points) and Colombia (1,906 points), their main competitors in the morning session. These results secured their places on the podium and advancement to the playoffs, starting with the quarter-finals. 

In this stage, the matchups are set as Mexico vs. Venezuela, Canada vs. Brazil, Colombia vs. Chile, and Cuba vs. the United States. Subsequently, the semifinals will be contested, with the medal matches scheduled for Saturday. 

Wiritten by Nicolás Olea y Arturo Hernández; translated by Felipe Vergara / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Foto: Jorge Loyola / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport