Argentina defeated Puerto Rico in a thrilling match in male's volleyball

The Argentine sextet surpassed the Puerto Ricans in one of the best matches of the 2023 Pan American Games.

Monday, October 30th, 2023.- In an electrifying game, which has been one of the best in male's volleyball at the Pan American Games so far, Argentina defeated Puerto Rico 25-23, 26-24, and 25-15 in Group B.

The first two sets were closely contested, with the Argentine team managing to secure the sets in the final points. In the first set, they took the lead towards the end, while in the second set, they went to a tie-break, where the Argentine sextet secured the necessary point to win the set.

Puerto Rico's team felt the fatigue in the third set and gradually gave ground to a solid Argentine team that maintained a high level of play and closed the match 25-15, winning 3-0.

It was an important victory that allowed Argentina to accumulate five points in Group B, which also includes Chile and the Dominican Republic.

After the match, Facundo Conte analyzed his team's performance. "The first game always has that emotional aspect that distracts you a bit from the focus on the sport. Many of the guys are making their debut in the national team, we had only one day of training together, and we managed to win the match, which makes me very happy," he commented.

"We are enjoying it, gradually finding coordination in volleyball, which is crucial, having patience to find the right moment and coordination for what lies ahead," he added.

Pedro Marín Roldán - Manfred Schwager, translated by Paulette Bertín / Santiago 2023 via Photosport
Photo by Juan Carlos Romo / Santiago 2023 via Photosport