Track cycling concludes with Mexico as the champion in the male's Madison

In the premier track cycling event, the team of Fernando Romo and Ricardo Peña from Mexico secured the gold medal. In the overall summary of this sport, which has concluded its participation in Santiago 2023, Colombia had the most celebrations.

Friday, October 27.- The track cycling at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games concluded on a high note, with Mexico taking the top spot in the male’s Madison event. 

The Madison, a team points race, is a demanding competition covering 50 kilometers on the velodrome, spread over a total of 200 laps. 

In Peñalolén, the victory was emphatic for the North American duo composed of Fernando Romo and Ricardo Peña, who accumulated a total of 90 points, securing a relatively trouble-free victory. 

In second place, the Colombian team of Jordan Parra and Juan Arango impressed with a sprint in the final lap, adding 10 points to complete 46. 

The race was so thrilling that the United States (Colby Lange and Grant Koontz) and Chile (Cristian Arriagada and Jacob Decar) both earned the same score (43). The Americans took the bronze medal by outperforming the Chileans in the decisive lap. 

In other notable details from the race, Brazil withdrew mid-competition, and the Argentine team was disqualified for interfering with Chile. 

The track cycling event in Santiago 2023 concluded with Colombia as the dominant force, amassing a total of four gold medals, three silvers, and two bronzes. Mexico followed with three first-place finishes, five second-place finishes, and two third-place finishes. 

The host nation, Chile, had a disappointing performance at Velódromo de Peñalolén, securing only two bronze medals, courtesy of Jacob Decar and Catalina Soto, both in the Omnium.

Written by Carlos Silva Rojas-Mandred Schwager; translated by Andrés Castro / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport
Ph: Javier Salvo / Santiago 2023 vía Photosport