The Grimalt cousins defend their Pan American gold with a solid victory

Marco and Esteban Grimalt defeated the Nicaraguan pair 2-0 in their first match of Group A in beach volleyball.

Saturday, Oct 21st.- Cousins Esteban and Marco Grimalt had a strong start to their defense of the beach volleyball gold medal at the Pan American Games, defeating the Nicaraguan pair composed of Rubén Mora and Dany López in Group A with scores of 21-13 and 21-17.

In the first set, the Chilean duo was very solid, leveraging their experience and good game to completely dominate their rivals. Meanwhile, in the second set, Mora and López settled better in the sand of Parque Peñalolén, but it wasn't enough to prevent the victory of the Grimalt cousins, who sealed the match with a convincing 21-17 score.

In their second match in Group A, the Grimalt cousins will face the Paraguay Giuliano Massares and Gonzalo Melgarejo, a duel scheduled for Sunday, October 22rd, starting at 8:00 p.m.

The day was successful for Chile, as in the female's category, the pair composed of María Francisca Rivas and Chris Andrea Vorpahl defeated the Costa Rican duo of Kianny Araya and Ángel Williams 2-0 with scores of 21-12 and 21-9.

The match in Group A was dominated from start to finish by the Chilean team. In their next match, they will face the Ecuator pair of Karelys Simisterra and Ariana Vilela on Sunday, October 22rd, starting at 8:00 p.m. at the Centro de Vóleibol Playa located in Peñalolén.

Pedro Marín; translated by Pía Barriga / Photosport
Photo: Jonnathan Oyarzun / Santiago 2023 villa Photosport